With Melvin, The Wacky Wheeler at the 2014 NC State Fair.
Piano Man/The One Man Band – Billy Joel
TheOMB2016-05-20T21:30:03+00:00With my ego driven lyric changes.
Knocking on Heavens Door – Bob Dylan
TheOMB2016-05-20T21:06:47+00:00A reposted copy of this went viral in Brazil
Jr & Sr Duo
TheOMB2016-05-20T21:44:23+00:00‘Would You Like to Play the Guitar’ and ‘Free Falling’ at the Sunburst Convention of Celebrity Tribute Artists, September 2010.
Channel 6 News
TheOMB2016-05-20T20:43:58+00:00Evening news interview near the start of my one man band