The One Man Band, Marc Dobson puts on an inspiring performance playing instruments Marc has created. He performs on event grounds in multiple locations using a motorized and self-powered wagon loaded with 3,000 watts of modern sound equipment. His repertoire aims at every age covering songs from the 60’s thru to today with a mix of Rock, Country, Pop and more. With improv comedic antics, no two shows are alike which maybe is why Marc has been performing yearly at many fairs since the inception of his One Man Band.


The One Man Band perform in 3 basic ways:

  • Roving Show is freely strolling through event grounds while performing. This requires an assistant to drive the motorized sound wagon behind Marc.

  • Street Show, is what Marc does best! Set in a large pedestrian area, street shows work better near impulse buy vendors like food concessions.

  • Stage Show, on or in front of other events as the main show, pre-show or in-between. The sound wagon is powerful enough for most grand stand events, community stages, banquets and more with the ability to move out of the way quickly.


  • Performance area has to be safe.
  • Marc performs within 50 feet of Sound Wagon.
  • Minimum 8 feet floor to ceiling and flat, level and hard performance areas. Smooth pavement or concrete preferred. Performance cannot be on a steep hill, bumpy area, wet areas or ground that sinks like sand.
  • Nightly storage:
    – for 27” W x 6’2” L x 6’ H Sound Wagon,
    – for 21″ W x 5′ L x 3’4″ H PVC Pipe Instrument
    – with one, 20 amp electrical circuit for recharging.